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Nice job

I checked the credits before playing, and there was no way to get rid of them! They blocked the play button and I had to refresh.

Also, I don't see any negative effects of using hints. If there's a limit to them I didn't find it.

Ab9003 responds:

Did you see the "close this box" button in the credits? It's possible you missed it it's at the bottom of the box. I don't penalize people for getting lost in the game but if a lot of people want this I can add a minor incentive to click it less frequently.


This does not look like the work of someone who can't program. Well done, c0rupt3d.

But... how'd you manage so well?

Also, good job to Xionico and dj-jo.

coruptedGames responds:

96hrs of hell

Gee whiz

I've got 100+ social points and it still says "You said hi and then awkwardly tried to make conversation."

How many social points do I need?

Very cool

Some of the most brilliant level design I've ever seen.

Freaking sweet

If you get all the presents without dying you get to see Jess-The-Dragoon naked. :3

Best Flash puzzle platformer ever

Every single puzzle is ingeniously designed.

I'm pretty disappointed by how unwilling people are to adapt to a new perspective. The controls didn't give me any trouble at all, and games don't have to all conform to what you think is the proper way games are supposed to be. In a way, the new perspective can be considered just part of the challenge. Also, I think that if the game was aligned so that up was always jump and then the level flipped over like in Shift, it would be harder to keep track of what you were doing. Having the level stay put like this allows you to get a better idea of what's going on as you progress through it. I really think that this is the best way the game could be.

Nice game

Just played it through a second time to get the Easter egg.

You need:
To be able to save and reload after quitting. It's not that bad since the game's so short I guess.
To be able to adjust the quality.
And to be able to use the arrow keys. Also jumping by pressing up should be an option. Maybe down to let go of a vine as well.

Of course there are a multitude of other problems as well. Automatically grabbing on to a previous vine. Not getting enough of a boost when you jump up to a room above and then just falling back down. That part where you have to jump a frog but there's a vine in the way. Lava rising when paused or loading rooms.

Anyway, there seems to be a way to muscle your way past all the glitchy situations, although maybe not on every computer, since gameplay sometimes seems afftected by loading speed. For the part where you're running from the skeleton cat I could usually jump both the lava and the frog at once, but sometimes it seemed like the frog was in a different place. Holding down the jump button can help in situations where you need to jump as soon as possible.

Definitely not a troll game. Just quaint.

Super laggy for me as well.

Beat the first level with about 18 seconds on the clock. Took me maybe 3 minutes. I have Flash 11 and hardware acceleration is enabled. Not sure what it is about this game that needs the fancy new GPU features. Could've just made it the old fashioned way.

I love you JAZZA, but you gotta talk to Moonkey about making games for everybody, not just people with fast computers. I don't think the quality of this game would've suffered at all had it been done with a much lower frame rate. For me personally, anything above 16 FPS looks as fluid as anything else. And there are ways of just plain coding better to make things run faster. Of course I don't know what frame rate it's running at or how it's coded, but clearly something is wrong here.

Nice game

There needs to be a way to reset yourself after a botched jump. I got halfway through it, but it was just too repetitive. I can tell you made an effort to mix things up though.


The description of the game sounded super boring. So boring in fact, that I decided to play it just to see what the big deal was. And then I was hooked. The 40 levels actually go by pretty fast once you get the hand of it. I got 100% on everything. Very well programmed.


Kyle Delaney @TharosTheDragon

Age 36, Male

I r pogammur :3


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