
937 Game Reviews

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Anyone else getting the sound glitch?

It's awful. It loops every sound in the game over and over again. It happens when navigating the menu. After returning from the help screen, when clicking to buy a level pack, or clicking to submit my score. I have to refresh the page every time.

I agree with Wingedmario64

There aren't any puzzles, which is disappointing because I think the system you've created could make for some good puzzles. This game is well drawn and well programmed, but it definitely needs better level design.

Also the whole possession thing reminds me of Oddworld.

Spectacular graphics, bad programming

It says I unlocked a new starting area, but how do I start from it?

It's laggy and glitchy, the camera goes berserk sometimes when I jump into a collapsing ceiling, the high scores don't work, hell, even the "more games" buttons don't work.

Best Flash JRPG ever

Really spectacularly done.

The dialogue is a bit overdone at times. All the moral discussions and whatnot seem pretty sappy. I feel like the characters don't have enough, I don't know, grit. The author's voice comes out in too many of them. It's downright silly for a bunch of soldiers to abhor killing so much.

Also, having no hair does not mean it would take infinitely long to wash it. Why would you divide by the amount of hair you have when determining how long it takes? More hair means more time, less hair means less time. You don't divide, you multiply. Sheesh.

Good game

Why would the inn be closed in the evening?

Also, people refer to you as multiple children even when it's just Mardek.

I love post-apocalyptic stuff like this

It's super creepy. Definitely want more.

It's a nice game

But it certainly didn't deserve game of the year considering the other options. The simplistic pixel art and sound effects don't show much work. The endings consisted of a single piece of text appearing on the screen. The gameplay is really nothing to speak of, being sacrificed for the artistic message. There's some nice graphic effects going on in the background and stuff but it's really nothing compared to the blood sweat and tears that clearly went into those other games.

That's not true!

Kirby can also do a falcon punch.

PuffballsUnited responds:

But it sucks compared to Captain Falcon's.


An advergame that isn't a complete load of crap!

It had its share of bugs but it's still one of the coolest and most involved detective games out there. You really feel like a detective.

I'm proud to say I beat it without the walkthrough, but what really makes me the greatest detective ever is that I covered the entire city in blood stain spray. ;)

Not your best

This game could use some fall damage.

The keyboard doesn't work for some reason.

Also, there should be a tool selected automatically. It's super tedious to have to click a tool at the beginning of every level even when there's only one tool available. Like in job 11, on every try you have to click the cannon AND THEN place it before you can even shoot. It's ridiculous.


Kyle Delaney @TharosTheDragon

Age 36, Male

I r pogammur :3


Joined on 7/1/09

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