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All right, I guess

Already played it on the sponsor's site, Armor Games. Good game if you enjoy watching characters fight repetitively while having no control over them whatsoever.

Yes, I know the whole point of the game is what you do in between the fights. But even then, it's mostly a matter of grinding and telling your units to train over and over again, with no means of assigning any sort of auto-train. I don't see any version indicators so I don't know if it's been fixed but when I played some training actually increased stats by the wrong amount. Towards the end you've become powerful enough to beat anyone except the king, so any challenge the game had involving picking the appropriately difficult battles has disintegrated at that point and you're left for a long tedious stream of grinding until you're ready. Perhaps it could have used some element of training weaker units to build up a larger army although I'm not sure how that could've been worked in there. If there's a way to replace your units with other units then I couldn't figure out what it was. It seems like a simple feature and a necessity, seeing as you can have units in your reserve beyond the four you're able to use, and those units in reserve will never be able to see battle. It's bad if you wanna try other types of units and especially bad if you wanna bring in hero units.

The graphics and stuff are all nicely done of course, but the gameplay is definitely lacking. I played it all the way through, so don't accuse me of not giving it a fair chance.

About the snake glitch

It doesn't keep spawning the dot in the same place. It just never lets you pick up the dot. My score just stayed at 360.

Funny that you mentioned voice actress Jen Taylor since she lives in my area. It's incorrect to say "Princess Peach's voice actor" because like most long-lived animated characters Princess Peach does not just have one voice actor. Jen Taylor first voiced Peach in 1999's Mario Golf. She also commonly voices Toad.

I just so happen to be friends with Kenny James who has done Bowser's voice several times.

Very good game

Reminds me of old pond-crossing classics like pitfall but with the core gameplay of that Game-and-Watch trampoline game. And the curved shield with dynamic bouncing is like some Breakout games. Other trampoline games put the focus on juggling a bunch of stuff at once but this game is all about avoiding or hitting obstacles in your path. The clicking mechanic puts enough skill in the game to keep it interesting because you'll never quite master the timing. And all the upgrades and special powers and stuff should be enough to entertain anybody. At first, looking at the map screen made the think the game would be too long. But then it was over too soon. I may go back and try to get 3 stars on everything.

This should definitely be front-paged.

I agree, pretty weird

I generally don't do this, but I'm giving up on the first level. I thought the donut was supposed to eat to the center, but then I lost when it did. Why can I control the donut if it's the bad guy? Yeah, I could figure it out of course, but the game is super laggy, nearly crashing my computer.

Nice game and all, but not something I'm gonna bother killing my computer with.

Nice game

It needs to save your progress, or at least warn you that it doesn't. I wouldn't mind going through in one sitting, but for some reason it restarted after being paused for a couple of hours.

Shoddy in so many ways

Shoddy programming, shoddy game design. The art was kind of cute but nothing great. And the voice acting was all right I guess.

No options whatsoever and no way to return to the main menu. As if that wasn't enough the right click menu had to be disabled. So you weren't nice enough to give us a proper mute and quality button, but you also weren't too lazy to disable players from changing the quality manually. That's just downright arrogant. You're saying your game is just so perfect and runs so efficiently that no one would ever experience lag. Well that's not the case. And the lack of a mute button is just shooting yourself in the foot because many sponsors won't even take a game without a mute button. There are lots of easy ways you could make this game better.

The medals aren't coded very well. You don't get either the 30 gems medal or the all upgrades medal until you visit the upgrades screen again.

It's 25 levels of doing the same thing over and over again. And the thing was kind of boring to begin with. I guess there's a little strategy involved with making sure the damage gets evenly distributed between you and your sister. How brave, using your sister as a shield. Picking up your sister is an absolutely useless because you can't shoot or jump while holding her. So even if the bad guys are all coming from one side and you wanna get your sister away from that side it's still a bad idea to pick her up because then you'll lose some time you could spend shooting the bad guys. They'll catch up to you and you'll have gained nothing.

Guys, if you wanna see this through to the end like I did, I recommend upgrading the Hoot powerups all the way first. Just play the first level over and over again, but before you kill the third cloud, wait for Hoot to drop something in case it's a gem. Then don't spend the gems right away. Save of 30 of them to get a medal then spend them all at once.

In case anyone's wondering, yes I do check the programmer's page for secret medals. They often will get all of them to make sure they work.


I was just playing like normal, upgrading my ship and whatnot, and all of a sudden the frames start looping. It goes back to the preloader, into the main menu, etc. When I refreshed my saved game had been deleted.

Remember Me?

No, I will not remember you, Rainbowman. Sorry.

A leap of faith might be a cute gimmick to have once, but you use them level after level.

And after 100+ deaths I'm simply not convinced "Remember Me?" is possible.

Very good game

But it's not an RPG, it's an adventure platformer.

I love the combat system. It's very fast paced and needs quick reactions from the player. Also you need to figure out each enemy. It doesn't hold the player's hand like most games.

Looking forward to the next one.

I can't believe I beat it.

This game is more than challenging. It's downright unfair. There are times when you simply need to know the layout ahead of time. When you go off a ramp there's no way to know how fast you need to go or whether to jump or not. You could fly into some unseen enemy and have no control over it. Extremely difficult.

Anyway, here's what it looks like when you win: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/


Kyle Delaney @TharosTheDragon

Age 36, Male

I r pogammur :3


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