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Is there an ending screen or is winning just supposed to take you back to the start screen?

graylure responds:

unfortunately, no, it just takes you back to the start screen. we made this game over one weekend for a game jam so we where not able to add everything we wanted to. if we ever continue upon this idea we def will add one... and a lot of other things haha

Pretty fun. Might be the first time I've seen a rhythm game allow me to use a side-by-side letter key configuration for four fingers instead of just an arrow key configuration for only three fingers. I wish there were medals or some kind of goal.

GrizzlyCogs responds:

I'm trying to add medals, I'll let you know when they're up :)

Yay, it lets me keep my keys after a game over :)

Medals aren't working! Still a 5-star game, though.

EDIT: Yes, we've all tried refreshing the page many times

EDIT 2: Hey I got 41/40 feathers

Starblinky responds:

Tends to happen on Ruffle games, you have to reload the page. Usually that fixes it. And thank you! :)

I can see that I have gold and faith and hope, but what is mana and why do I want mana makers to generate it?

bluemath responds:

In order to win the game, you will need to destroy the gates with Annihilators. They require mana to function.

The intro has too much text and not enough animation.

When I did the interaction with the entity before the first save point, I went left instead of right. Returning to the entity room, the door on the right was still closed and I was able to walk through it.

When I saved at the first save point and then intentionally died at the first enemy, it restored to the room with the save point but my character was invisible. I was just looking at the room with the save point and no character appearing. It's possible that it loaded some kind of corrupt state because of the previous bug.

It's a good demo despite the bugs, though

Good effort but the controls are abysmal. I had no idea that I was supposed to hold down the mouse button and that I could mine anything that was touching empty space. It's so awkward trying to target specific pixels, especially when the cursor doesn't even have a point. Also, the game doesn't explain why some things can be mined and some can't.

You had me assign a run key but then the key does nothing in the game :(

Flappy Bird meets Meatboy.

I found the intro text to be chilling. I wish the game got more into that.

I also wish the game told you the name of the level you're playing without having to go back into the menu.

Ha ha but in the movie the Borg only send one cube!

picochaz responds:

That you know of! 😏


Kyle Delaney @TharosTheDragon

Age 36, Male

I r pogammur :3


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