If it's from a real girl, why is it written to sound like a prank? I was expecting the end to be "Copy this letter and give it to 5 other people or you will be murdered tonight!"
If it's from a real girl, why is it written to sound like a prank? I was expecting the end to be "Copy this letter and give it to 5 other people or you will be murdered tonight!"
There needs to be a level select or at least a continue game option. When I accidentally clicked back to title after dying I had to start the whole game over.
Here's a hint, guys. You can hold down the mouse button and fly off the screen. That way you can regenerate without worrying about getting hurt.
Every level is exactly the same. I mean, you could've made like the rocks look different or something, so that they'd do the same thing but look different, but you didn't. And then there's nothing at the end, even though there was a long boring intro that I didn't get the point of.
Code was good, art was good, game design was exceptionally poor. I can imagine good stuff coming from you guys in the future though.
My strategy is to just drop down the side of the building.
Am I correct in assuming there's no way to actually beat the game? It looks like the last level is just a survival level.
Cool game, but I've tried many times to get the great balance achievement and I can't do it. Getting 6 perfect balances doesn't work. What's the deal?
Prolly broken. Will fix ASAP
You say the weak force is the weakest force of nature. It's only the weakest nuclear force. I'm pretty sure gravity is weaker. If gravity was stronger than nuclear forces it would be able to pull atoms apart.
Also, a water molecule should only have 10 electrons. You've got 12 there.
You say one quarter of all the cells in your body are red blood cells, but you should say one quarter of all the human cells. Ninety percent of the cells in or on your body are microbes. Yeah, Wikipedia said it wrong. I tried tracing its sources but couldn't find where in the sources that particular bit of info was given.
You say F and M are the 6th and 13th numbers. They are letters, not numbers. You make the same mistake with AM radio.
In the wandering albatross description you say every instead of very.
You say Asia is the largest object that isn't astronomical, but then you have the Minecraft world and the total human height.
Kapteyn's Star is spelled Kapetyn's Star in the description. And La Superba is referred to as Las Superba in the description.
Your silt particle description should say "to the right" instead of "to the left." In the Washingont Monument description, you refer to the Eiffel Tower as being on the left when it's on the right. The Capella description also mixes it up.
The Capella description also says that most stars are binary. This is false. Most of the stars we can see with the naked eye are binary, but two thirds of the stars in our galaxy are single dim red dwarfs.
You say an AU is 150 million kilometers, to be exact. That's not exact, though. And the sun isn't always that distance away. That's just the mean distance.
I'm ignoring most grammatical errors, but look at the light-year description. "A light-year is are one the most common units of length..."
Thank you for pointing those out! Everything is fixed!
Pretty cool
For those of you who are wondering, the key to the car puzzle is the poster in the room with the time machine.
I used the walkthrough for the final puzzle where you have to turn the knobs in the right order. It didn't explain why you're supposed to do it in that order though. Can someone explain it to me?
Fatal flaw
Good game, but there's a fatal flaw in the design. If you buy tenacity first then spider-man, you won't be able to complete the game. I've gotten every coin I can in every level available to me, but I only have 4 coins remaining and that's not enough to buy "super hand streng." I don't see any credits anywhere so I don't know how to get in touch with the developer, but if you're reading this could you please fix it so that maybe the levels that you can only reach with spider-man are unlocked? Or myplayyard, could you please pass my message along to the developer?
There is a way to finish the game no matter what upgrade you buy first. I checked it with the developer and he verified that.
I hope you enjoyed the game and you'll find that way :)
Thank you,
Saar (MyPlayYard)
Regarding the author comments
Actually you do see comments in support of SOPA. They're from the government and entertainment companies.
Playing the devil's advocate is all good and well when there's a debate going on and you want to get as close to the truth as possible. But in this case, being a contrarian just to spite people would have severe consequences. The only way we managed to beat SOPA was by uniting against it. The sheer overwhelming volume of the voices opposed to SOPA was necessary to get the ball rolling in the right direction. This was definitely not the time to be unfashionable just to make people mad.
I'm sure you think my response is "funny" because I'm siding with the masses and am therefore deluded, but I hope you'll think this through a little more.
You don't see comments in support of SOPA, you see a press release and a blog post saying "This company is in support of SOPA, let's boycott them." That's not people talking, that's paperwork.
Here's where I'm coming from: I'm not gonna change anyone's mind about the Stop Online Piracy Act with this game.
Nobody. Not one person.
Nobody's getting informed because of this game, nobody's re-thinking their stance after playing it, the message is a shallow one that's just repeating things that people already know. Censorship is bad? Good job I_smell, you're really pushing the boundaries.
In that sense it's a waste. It's just re-assuring people who've already chosen a side.
Whether or not SOPA passes is a surface issue, someone smarter than me would've asked much scarier questions that actually get people thinking. Like "Are we actually pirating too much?" or "Did any of you READ the act and consider both sides before jumping on-board?" or "Isn't it insane how many people you can get behind you just by being Anti-Government?"
Nobody's TALKING about SOPA in that way, they're all just changing their fuckin avatars for a day and signing the petition, saying "YEAH MAN, FUCK THIS!! #stopSOPA". I know this because I am one of these people: I made the game. If you zoom out for a sec, do you think this 15-yr-old girl is passionate about where to draw the line on safety and liberties? No, fuck no, she's just saying "SOPA is the biggest load of crap ever" cos that's what's for dinner this week, and your only argument against that is "we need the numbers".
Yes we need the numbers, but if all it takes is switching off Wikipedia for a day to get the whole world writing passionate dissertations about something they haven't really looked into, isn't the kind of omnipotent control we're all against already working?
THAT'S THE GAME I SHOULD'VE MADE. Next to that, "Censorship is bad" was a braindead idea.
I agree with the meme guy, this game is a shallow also-ran that doesn't do anything interesting at all.
Age 36, Male
I r pogammur :3
Joined on 7/1/09