
937 Game Reviews

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Here's a tip

There's a way to make your vector art look good even if you're not good at drawing. Single-pixel strokes make your drawings look like crap. Either use thick strokes to go for a cute cartoony effect or use no strokes at all to go for a cooler, more serious effect. Like those pointy cave backgrounds; those looked pretty good. I for one suck at drawing but I can still make passable artwork.

Anyway, I like the game, though it more reminds me of old school Flash games than old school 8-bit games.

I've posted a complete list of hotkeys here: http://tharosthedragon.newgrounds.com/news/post/561778

EDIT: Over 44k views and 12 pages of comments? I wish I knew how this game got so much attention without even being front-paged


Don't even try to get a high score. It's already been hacked and someone's gotten 300. It won't even let me submit my score. It just tells me to sign up even though I'm already logged in.

The Art Historian medal doesn't work, unless there's a 59th painting that has to do with the 3rd secret achievement.


Sometimes I'd just move on top of the ducklings instead of pushing them when there were gray circles around.

It needs hotkeys. And it should reset the crocs' positions when you reset the level. And there needs to be a way of telling how close the crocs are to the end.

I got stuck near the end.

It was on the right side of the screen, towards the top. I didn't know how to go forward because there weren't any enemies to freeze and jump on, and no blocks to destroy or anything. There was just a pool of water and a broken ladder that I couldn't get up.

I tried going back, but there was a frozen enemy preventing me from falling back down.

Great game

@MacsterStudios Try looking for the Easter eggs! That'll take you more than one minute!

Yeah, the game is short, but that's okay. It's kind of supposed to be a joke game.

I'm glad there are so many checkpoints. It would be pretty unbearable otherwise. So kudos for that.

Way too easy

I'm not sure I understand what the challenge is.

Also, you can glitch through blocks on your left so that you can move diagonally downwards.

Nicely done

It's fun, and there's a nice atmosphere to it. The art was pretty cool, and fitting, and sort of cute. The music is pretty nostalgic, and gives it a nice retro feel. The intro sequence is really neat. And the voice acting is good in my opinion, compared to a lot of Newgrounds stuff. But by my standards, anything that isn't painful to listen to is good. Seriously though, the voices were great. And I liked the sort of echo effect with the intro narration. The key to good voice acting is to be nice and subtle, and to not assault people's ears.
I certainly have to say the programming was lacking, though. A few bugs include how hard it is to position yourself to file through the bars, dialogue with the cannon guard automatically starting up after finishing but without the window, and reentering rooms from the wrong positions. I could've done better, even with the 3-day time limit.

MonoFlauta responds:

Mmm... most of bugs are fixed in the update, just wait for it u.u takes time :( but well, thanks for the review :)

Nice game

I beat it with all the optional coins. Apparently they don't do anything.

http://img812.imageshack.us/i/respawn l.jpg/

In case anyone's wondering, I got past the final spikes in level 19 by taking a running jump and passing through the gap during my fall. You should probably start as close as you can to the previous spikes to give yourself enough space.


I just killed myself and ended up getting 4th place. If I had known what the scores were I probably could've gotten 1st.

The game started lagging a lot, though. It wouldn't have been pleasant to trudge through that. I blame poor programming.


Kyle Delaney @TharosTheDragon

Age 36, Male

I r pogammur :3


Joined on 7/1/09

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