Another disappointment from HTML5.
Why are people complimenting the game based on its failures? The lack of any kind of jump or fall mechanic isn't some inventive new idea. It's much easier to code this way. It misses the point of platformers completely and hardly deserves the title. It plays exactly like a top-down game, where you're constrained to these tiny little tunnels. In the original Legend of Zelda, there were sidescrolling segments where in a dungeon you'd go down these stairs and then you'd be in what appears to be an underground room viewed from the side. But it actually uses the same engine from the rest of the game. It looks like you're climbing down a ladder but really you're walking down a path, as far as the game is concerned. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Zelda doing this, but it doesn't make any sense to design a whole game around this and call it a platformer.
If this was really an inventive new idea and not just lazy coding then there'd be more interesting enemy AI than just back and forth.