And this predates the Imagine Dragons song by five years
And this predates the Imagine Dragons song by five years
Who did the vocals?
I think I found her page on Facebook. Dang I can't remember, man, I'm sorry.
Do you mind if I use this in a free / ad-free app? That doesn't count as commercial purposes, right?
Edit: Why were people saying there's no melody? The melody starts at 0:48 and goes all the way to the end
go for it! I'd love to see the app when you are done with it!
But aren't you a girl? Who's the vocalist?
Not me xD. Check the video for credits on that.
So what is Elvarim?
Is this the song that was in Attack no Titan? The 8-bit instrument quality doesn't quite sound the same. It sounded more video gamey in the animation. Did you change it at all?
Is it just my headphones, or are some of the sounds weirdly muffled? Like there seem to be some volume discrepancies with some of the tracks, like the sound cuts out when it shouldn't. It's really noticeable to me. Am I crazy?
Sakura means cherry blossom, dude.
That percussion in the first part is a little too relentless and distracting, and I don't think any actual 8-bit game tunes have any of that drum/maraca/shaker egg/whatever it is.
OK, thank you for listening.
And so now a classic sea shanty that was featured in Disney's Alice in Wonderland (not to mention Kringles' Madness series) is referred to as Castle Crashers music?
Dan even explains that this is a sea shanty in his description!
Oh a sailor's life is the life for me!
Twiddly um bum bum o'er the bounding sea.
And I never ever ever did a thing about the weather
'cause the weather never ever did a thing for me.
Age 36, Male
I r pogammur :3
Joined on 7/1/09