
TharosTheDragon's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 6,873 (From 1,104 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 125,790 Points

Medieval Survival 6

Medals Earned: 5/5 (165/165 points)

Danger! 5 Points

Enter the dangerous cave!

Super Slime Destroyer 10 Points

Destroy the super slime!

Bridge Builder 25 Points

build a bridge!

Rescue Ranger 25 Points

Rescue the baby dragon!

Escape! 100 Points


Meowxtape: Delivery

Medals Earned: 9/9 (190/190 points)

Mew York Type Beat 5 Points

Complete Mew York

Detrout Type Beat 10 Points

Complete Detrout

El Pawso Type Beat 10 Points

Complete El Pawso

Los Angelhiss Type Beat 25 Points

Complete Los Angelhiss

Evil Mew York Type Beat 5 Points

Complete Mew York on Expert

Evil Detrout Type Beat 10 Points

Complete Detrout on Expert

Evil El Pawso Type Beat 25 Points

Complete El Pawso on Expert

Evil Los Angelhiss Type Beat 50 Points

Complete Los Angelhiss on Expert

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Merged Gravity DEMO

Medals Earned: 8/12 (70/170 points)

Merged Gravity 5 Points

Gravity is no more.

Electricity is On 5 Points

Finish a button level

Spikes are bad 5 Points

Die to a spike

Limits 5 Points

Run out of charges

What just happened 5 Points

Pass thru a gravity grid

I hate numbers 10 Points

Now they're timed?

Trifecta 10 Points

Because 2 wasn't enought.

Unmerge me 25 Points

Finish the game.

Not that hard 50 Points

Die less than 25 times.

Electricity is expensive 0 Points

Use less than 100 charges

No time to stop 50 Points

Finish the game in less than 10 minutes.

I don't have time for this. 0 Points

Finish the game in 5 minutes without dying once.

Meteor Tempest 2

Medals Earned: 4/5 (40/90 points)

Survive 1 Round 5 Points

congratz!! this is your first step.

Survive 5 Rounds 25 Points

well done, zamn.

Rest in Piss 5 Points

Die for the first time.

Damn, you're bad at it 5 Points

Die at the first wave at least once.

Survive 10 Rounds 50 Points

holy shit, you're good at it!


Medals Earned: 12/12 (60/60 points)

Balanced 5 Points

You are a well-balanced person

Coward 5 Points

You are Coward

For the Green 5 Points

Green till the death

For the Red 5 Points

Red till the death

Green Baised 5 Points

You are green minded person

Green Mindless 5 Points

Easily deceived by green ideas

Last Minute 5 Points

At the end you have mind

Red Baised 5 Points

You are red minded person

Red Mindless 5 Points

Easily deceived by red ideas

Some How Late 5 Points

Having late brain is better than nothing

Trouble Avoider 5 Points

You don't like troubles

Worker 5 Points

You always don't have time

Mine Your Way Out

Medals Earned: 6/8 (185/335 points)

Max speed 10 Points

Buy all speed upgrades

Destruction 25 Points

Craft the Destruction Machine

Upgrades 25 Points

Craft the Rocket Module DM1

Near the surface 50 Points

Craft the Rocket Module DM2

The blue crystals 50 Points

Craft the Rocket Module DM3

Archeologist 25 Points

Mine a fossil

Ready to escape 50 Points

Craft the Specter's Wrath

Beat the game 100 Points

Beat the game


Medals Earned: 3/6 (40/165 points)

All is Lost 5 Points

You've lost the game and doomed us all!

Time of Hammer 10 Points

You've found The Hammer of Brick Breaking!

Sword of Quantum 25 Points

You've claimed the sword!

Winner 25 Points

You've won the game and saved the universe!

Destroy All Monsters 50 Points

You've purged this game of all monsters!

Just Barely Won 50 Points

On the edge of darkness, you still prevailed!

Miskatonic Brain Drain

Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/40 points)

Successful Mistakes 5 Points

A good date! We're very proud. Still a bad idea.

Speed Dating 10 Points

Get a speedrun time under 3 minutes!

Pick Up Artist 25 Points

Beat the Dev's Time! You suave one you.

Miss Fortune

Medals Earned: 11/13 (55/115 points)

Participation Award 5 Points

Load the game

Novice woman defeater 5 Points

defeat the woman 10 times

Magic...Ball? 5 Points

defeat the woman with covfefe

Power of technology 5 Points

play computer with the woman

Wind God 5 Points

Cool the woman down a bit with the fan

ToppleNG 5 Points

Watch all animations

Pommisc 5 Points

press play on the main menu

Wallop 5 Points

Punch the woman in the head

stab 5 Points

stab woman

BANG! 5 Points

shoot woman, you fucking freak

Organised 5 Points

put away important documents with the woman

Super Woman Defeater Super Sayian 50 Points

defeat the woman 1000 times

Expert woman defeater 10 Points

defeat the woman 100 times

Moby Dick 2

Medals Earned: 7/7 (240/240 points)

Wave 5 5 Points

Beat the 5th wave

Wave 15 10 Points

Beat the 15th wave

Wave 30 25 Points

Beat the 30th wave

Survivor 50 Points

Die on wave 50

Terror of the 7 seas 100 Points

Unlock all in-game achievements

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!