Total Medals Earned: 6,873 (From
1,104 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 125,790 Points
Finish the game with all tasks completed
Complete the game
Eliminate all the Cum Men
Press F
Press C
Get shit on by a bird
Tread in shit
Glass someone
Destroy all the CCTV cameras
Ride the bus
Blow up baby Jesus
Send Mazza to bi' wi' ahh Di, Jade Goody and the angles
Collect all the dog treats
Knock a bird shit out of the sky with a glass.
Knock two bird shits out of the sky.
Play the game during December.
Checked the More Games.
Checked the game's credit.
Woke up with wetness.
Woke up with 125 clicks or less.
Woke up in less than 4 minute.
Found a cookie in Underwater.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Pass the first stage of the Castle
Eat the meat off of a werewolf
Pick up the ability to imbue your fists with fire
Pass the Second stage of the Castle
Pass the fourth stage of the Castle
Absorb enough meat to become a Meaty Boner
Get into a fight with the big giant floating head thingy!
Pass the fifth stage of the Castle
Get killed by the lasers
Watch the entire credits scene
Submit your high score
Listen to the entire story
Skip the story midway
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Die ten times
Finish under 3:20
Finish under 2:50
Finish under 2:20
Last four minutes without shooting
Kill the boss and save the world
Eat something!
Open the crate!
Destroy the slime!
Fetch some water!
Do something good!
Use the candle to see in the dark!
Help the troll
Solve a puzzle!
Deliver the bread!
Do a good deed!
Solve a puzzle!
Rustle up the fowl!
Catch a frog and get a wart!
Get your horse ready to ride!
Meet the wizard!
Acquire the fire potion!
Help the witch!
Acquire chainmail!
Acquire the iron shield!
Acquire the iron sword!
Enter the dangerous cave!
Destroy the super slime!
build a bridge!
Rescue the baby dragon!