Total Medals Earned: 6,873 (From 1,104 different games.) Total Medal Score: 125,790 Points
Medals Earned: 7/11 (125/475 points)
find a shortcut
find another shortcut
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
and another shortcut
Medals Earned: 4/4 (185/185 points)
Finish the game
Collect all coins
Find all the missing ducklings
Find the secret room
Medals Earned: 7/7 (380/380 points)
Beat the first level (Prison)
Beat the second level (Turret)
Beat the third level (Someplace Else)
Beat the fourth level (Repeat)
Beat the sixth level (Laser)
Beat the boss level (Master of Sadism)
Find the radio in the eight map (The End)
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/25 points)
Placed a bet on a fight to the death
Spent hard earned money
The blood money is yours
Medals Earned: 11/20 (100/180 points)
Defeat an enemy, while having full health.
Buy the Candy cane weapon.
Defeat your first enemy.
Beat a Gingerbread man enemy.
Isn't this copyright infringement?
Start Playing
Equip a new weapon.
Use a skill point to increase a stat.
Defeat a snowman enemy.
Defeat a penguin enemy.
Find the Golden Astronaut token.
Hold 10 potions.
Buy the Green armour.
Reach level 10 and unlock the boss battle.
Buy a potion.
Lose a battle.
Reach level 15.
Buy the best Amour.
Buy the best weapon.
Defeat the Santa Clone!
Medals Earned: 8/8 (320/320 points)
Start the game. Yeah that's it. Good job.
Meet the Goddess
Do what the Goddess tells you
Medals Earned: 4/5 (50/60 points)
Get 10 points in story mode.
Get 20 points in story mode
Get 30 points in story mode.
Medals Earned: 1/8 (25/430 points)
Left the grave yard
viewed the credits
Left the castle
Completed all church levels
Reached the City
cracked the code on level 25
Completed the story
Freed all the lost souls
Medals Earned: 1/2 (25/75 points)
Good morning!
Beat the game with all 3 secrets!
Medals Earned: 3/10 (100/420 points)
Show your feelings.
In a dark place.
Everyone want to do that.
It's not a bat, it's a flying rat!
Therefore you can not fail.
I dream of Gregorio.
It's a blessing.
Want to know his face?
"Pan y trabajo" painting.
A lost soul in the white room.